It is not just a T-shirt, it is a Promise.

It is not just a T-shirt, it is a Promise.

Play your part

In light of recent events of injustice, police brutality and racial profiling, we as a brand that takes part in black culture acknowledge the struggle that the black community has endured and take an active stand against injustice towards the black community, we acknowledge this issue not only in the USA, but globally and in industries, such as the fashion industry that we operate in today.

XLNC Gothenburg vows to take an active stance against racism and injustice, especially in the fashion industry! We vow to continue actively working towards equality in the industry and for BIPOC creators.

We have seen and heard injustice and the lack of opportunity in our community and have and will always be an advocate for these communities, working to improve the conditions of youth in areas where segregation has been an issue.

All of us in XLNC have grown up with roots in black culture (music, fashion etc.) and will always be thankful for what it has given us.

This T-shirt is a symbol of the stance that we take against injustice, police brutality and systemic racism as a global issue. This is a statement we take and an ideology that we will carry through our work and brand.

All of the proceeds made from this T-shirt will be donated to the ACLU to help victims of racial injustice and police brutality taking place in the US.

We have also for a long time been working closely with Göteborgs Stad to put more efforts in the suburbs of Gothenburg, a first stage of the work will be released this Friday on the 10th of June.

This is not just a T-shirt,
It’s a promise.
Daniel, Oscar, Axel, Sandro and William
////XLNC Gothenburg


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